Powerboat Safety

Powerboat Safety

Powerboat Safety Video & Quiz

Renting a powerboat for some fun on Lake Powell? Great! Let's talk about safety. Every boater should know and adhere to boating laws and regulations. This includes laws specific to the state in which the boat is operated. To help you understand the safety rules for Lake Powell, we have created a video just for you. As an incentive, take our safety quiz and you can earn a $20 gas credit.

If others are joining you on your boating adventure, have them watch the video as well. This is information everyone who enjoys boats will want to know.

  1. To begin, simply click on the Play icon - located in the center of the video screen below.
  2. When you are done, be sure to take the quiz in order to earn your gas credit.

1. What should be your number-one concern when boating?
2. Who is responsible for the boat and crew?
3. Which item below must you understand before operating your boat?
4. How do you ensure that your boat stays level while underway?
5. What is the one thing NOT to do while your vessel is moving?
6. What is the best way to cross a passing vessel's wake (swell of water)?
7. It is okay to allow large wakes/waves to overtake the stern (back) of the vessel?
8. At what speed should you operate your vessel when within 150 feet of another vessel or person in the water, or while operating in a harbor?
9. Where is the best place to swim on the lake?
10. What are the two reasons to turn your engine off while swimming in the water by your boat?
11. What are the two most important things to remember when swimming from your vessel?
12. On which side should you pass when overtaking another vessel?
13. Which vessel has the right of way in an overtaking situation (passing while going in the same direction)?
14. Which boats have the right of way?
15. Which buoys should you let pass on your right side when traveling upstream on the main channel?
16. What are white buoys used for on the lake?
17. If a storm comes up, what should you do?